Sunday, August 14, 2016

Amish Summer Harvest

It seems impossible to get enough of the beauty around us - particularly the Amish way of life in our area. You'd think we would get used to it, and barely notice it anymore, but that's not the case. Perhaps my early years on the farm along Hog Creek marked me permanently with a love for noticing the crops, and appreciating those who carve out an existence from the soil. And on top of that, a lifelong enjoyment of doing things the "hard" way - like our Grandparents did it. Perhaps it fills a need to connect with our history.
I know for a fact that when I walk the roads around here and view the beauty of God's earth, it brings health for today and hope for tomorrow. On the days when I don't walk, there is something missing, and it seems like I've cheated myself. When the news is discouraging, it is time for a walk - a time to reflect on what is good about life - and a time to be thankful. We are blessed more than we deserve.
Check out the photos. There will be some comments with each one.

Wheat shocks adorn the field in front of an Amish homestead.

Bringing a load of shocks to the barn for threshing to separate the grain from the stalks.

A nice Amish family leaves a plate of pastries on the cans full of milk.  Lucky milk hauler.

This is a field of spelt shocks.

An evening sun glows on a field of wheat shocks.   The windmill is a promise of water for the thirsty, and the shocks are a promise of food for the hungry.  God provides.

From the lovely town of Kidron, Ohio, wishing you a wonderful weekend! So long.

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