Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Day I Cried

When I think of Father God, not only attending His son’s execution, but planning it, prophesying it, and using the hands of men to carry it out, I’m amazed, and grateful—for that one death was the price for our salvation.
As a parent, it occurred to me that it must have been excruciating for Father God to watch His son die.  So I tried to imagine the story from His perspective, and with the use of poetry and metaphors have written the following.   -- Dave

The Day I Cried

Jesus.  He is my one and only son,
So loyal and true, so handsome and strong,
I love him more than you can ever know.
He’s the perfect apple of my eye,
And it came to me as no surprise,
When he saw your need, he volunteered to go.

So we decided on the plan
To redeem the soul of sinful man,
From all the pride, the lust, the greed and guilt.
This time no catastrophic flood,
This time salvation was by blood,
And it was his that we decided would be spilt.

For sin required a sacrifice,
Blood for salvation, death for life,
And my son’s death would ransom all of you.
This became redemption’s plan,
He would become like you—a man,
And live with you, doing the things prepared for him to do.

With joy I placed my son on earth,
And angels proclaimed his humble birth,
The birth that would bring hope to helpless man.
He grew up obedient and wise,
His life and work so pleasing to my eyes,
And never looking back, he faced the climax of our plan.

He was listening for my voice again that day,
When deep within his soul he heard me say,
“I’ll meet you in the garden, for the time has come!”
“This won’t be easy for either of us,
But we agreed, this is a must,
Our love will meet the test, my beloved son.”

As always, he obeyed my voice that day,
Went to Gethsemane, fell to his knees and prayed,
“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup from me.”
“But not my will, only yours”, he cried,
And I knew he agonized inside,
As I watched him sweat and cry and plead.

Truly, nothing is too hard for me,
But to see my son in such agony
Was nearly more than I could stand to bear.
There he was, praying and crying,
Knowing he was facing dying
For other’s sin and guilt—it wasn’t fair!

I held back my tears that night,
And waited for the morning light,
Knowing what faced my son the very next day.
He was beaten and mocked and put on trial,
And I saw Satan’s evil smile,
When he thought victory had finally come his way.

They said, “Kill him! Crucify him! Take him away!”
“And do it now!  No more delay!”
So Pilate washed his hands and sentenced him to die.
They hung him up on one of our trees,
With nails through his hands and feet,
And laughed and scorned until they heard him cry.

“Father, why have you forsaken me?”
That’s when I longed to set him free,
And vaporize the earth with all it’s greed and pride!
But with his heart full of devotion,
We’d set the plan in motion,
So I hung my head, turned away, and cried.

With breaking heart, fists tightly clenched,
I cried until the earth was drenched,
The day I turned my back on my own son.
I darkened the sky with clouds of grief,
And agonized with no relief
Until he breathed his last, his job was done!

Then, with a shout of victory,
I shook the ground so violently,
That the temple curtain was torn completely in two!
His grieving followers soon would see
The answer to the mystery,
That just because he died, he wasn’t through!

Oh no, my children, not at all!
On Sunday morning he heard my call,
And the angels shouted too, in that glad hour.
“Awake my child! Arise my son!
The moment we longed for has finally come,
To show the world that death has no more power!”

For the power of love met the test,
When I gave for you my very best.
His name is Jesus, and he’s your way to me.
Give him your sin, give him your pain,
Eternal life is yours to gain,
He’ll fill you with my Spirit and set you free.

And when Satan comes accusing you
For sins you’ve done, and still might do,
Jesus says, “I’ve washed them with my blood.”
You need no other argument,
You’re paid in full, no more debt.
There’s nothing more to do than what He’s done.

I’ll see you soon my dear child.
And welcome you home with a loving smile,
Then you’ll see what I’ve prepared for you.
Keep on  working a little longer,
My spirit will help your faith grow stronger,
It will be worth it all when your life is through.

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 17:1-5
17 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:
“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you,the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

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